
We’ll have food served on a first come first served basis at our 1.20.24 event at the Westminster House. Tabling groups and staff get priority and there will be some left for them after the event is done. For other events in the week, no promises on food can be made at this time but we will try to provide snacks and refreshments according to our ability based on need.

1.20.24 Menu

Soup is good food – a mixed veggie soup with any seasonings we could scrounge through gleaning and procuring from the community.  v , nf , gf
“The rice grain suffers under the blow of the pestle” – just some regular ol’ jasmine rice. v, nf, gf
Conquest of Bread – Variety of breads both baked and distributed by workers of local bakery. (allergens dependent on type) veg 


Dietary restrictions and symbols defined below and will be labeled upon serving.
v – Vegan (Does not contain or made contact with animal byproduct )
veg – Vegetarian (Does not contain meat products, may contain dairy)
nf – Nut free (Does not contain tree nuts or peanuts)
gf – Gluten-free (Does not contain or made contact with gluten product)


The following are locally owned restaurants near the bookfair that serve quality vegan & vegetarian food at prole-friendly prices:
-Interzone (1563 NW Monroe): Local alternative coffee shop w/ hearty breakfast food. Favorite of CV’s punks and radicals.
-Crystal’s Cafe (1425 NW Monroe): Quality Mediterranean food! Expect a 30 minute wait.
-Bombs Away (2547 NW Monroe): Local alt/college bar with cheap drinks.
-KBBQ Express (2461 NW Monroe): Wide variety of vegan options.